// Lucy

Honestly this movie was a disappointment in my eyes, this highly anticipated thriller, I had high expectations i'll give you that. Luc Besson, also the producer of the "Taken Trilogy" was able to captivate the audience in the first let's say third of the movie but then fizzled down after the many action sequences and not so thought out plotline. It did however gross more than $43 million in its opening weekend.
The film kept the audience engaged but I thought the plot line was a little predictable after seeing the trailer. The special effects were highly advanced but I believed they spent a little too much time in the space sequences and made a big spectacle of the "computer". I mean those machines must cost millions and millions.

Clearly a work of fiction, the movie does explore concerns and thoughts in relation to creation and evolution, this brainteaser is engaging but stretches too far of the boundaries of plausibility.

Hope you enjoyed this short review. Thanks for reading. (:

// Now playing: Infinity- Against the Current
Rooftop tonight we are the skyline
Collecting shooting stars wishes in jar
All the hearts wide-awake and lonely
Dream of where we are

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